Player Ecosystem

X Member

X Members engage in various gambling and social activities on the platform. The blockchain-based system ensures that their gaming experience is fair and transparent, with provable outcomes. Additionally, players have the opportunity to earn rewards in the form of platform shares, enhancing their engagement and investment in the platform.

X Captain

X Captains serve as community leaders and casino operators within the X WINNER platform. Their role involve promoting the platform, bringing in new players, and fostering a vibrant community. They are rewarded with commissions based on the activity of those they refer and in X WINNER tokens ($XT). X Captains contribute to decisions about new features, games, or changes in the platform using X WINNER's decentralized governance.

X Developer

X Developers are builders who use X WINNER's open source resources to create and introduce new games or content to the platform. Leveraging X WINNER's protocols, they can develop games that are fair, transparent, and engaging. Their role also includes innovating and introducing new gaming formats or betting mechanisms, contributing to the platform's diversity and appeal.

🛠️pageDeveloper Program

Last updated